Genesis & Metamorphosis
Corporate Training
Callcenter & BPO Training
Specialized Training
The Callready Bouquet
Training Programs

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the competitors under the training program.

Circle of Influence
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the circle of influence under the training program
Reach Out
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the circle of influence under the training program
The Callready Edge
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the callready edge
under the training
Behind the Scenes
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the callready edge
under the training

Our Bouquet ::

Mind Reprogramming & Positive thinking: A workshop that helps individuals to expand their mental horizon and capability by understanding, identifying & eliminating the wrong conditioning & self-beliefs inside them. It helps them tap their potential to the fullest and recharge their mental battery for optimal performance through the process of scientific meditation and creative visualization.

Goal setting & time management: A module that focuses on Major & Minor timewasters, helps people set goals that are SMART, prioritize them using the Pareto’s principle, and learn the art of effective time management.

Stress management & Relaxation: A module that differentiates between the requisite positive Eustress & the destructive negative distress and helps people identify the stressors and manage their stress in scientifically proven ways. Also contains bonus sessions of mediation techniques for stress management

Personal Effectiveness: A workshop that makes people improve their personal effectiveness by focusing on improving various aspects of their personality.

Body language: A session that helps people to understand the expression of their subconscious through body language. Understanding what different gestures mean, changing gestures to change the state of mind, learning to use the accepted and eliminate the unaccepted gestures in corporate situations.

Interpersonal Skills: A program that changes the perspective of people towards interpersonal relationships. Helps people learn the concept of emotional deposit & withdrawal in any transaction between two individuals. It also develops their emotional quotient, makes them understand the golden principles of human relationships and the art of practicing positive surprise strokes.

Transactional Analysis: TA for relationship management by understanding Eric Berne’s basic principles about the Child, Parent & Adult ego states and the recent developments in the field through interactive situations.

Negotiation skills: A module that helps people learn the art of effective negotiation in any situation.

Professionalism: A must-do program for all business establishments that makes that helps people to understand the behaviors that define professionalism, map them against their own and learn to bridge the gap between the two.

Career Launcher: A training program in Resume Building, handling different assessments confidently and succeeding in the job interview.

Presentation skills: A workshop that helps one hone basic presentations skills with respect to both substance and style of communication.

Communication skills: A module designed for to hone the business communication skills of the participants

Team building: An interactive, fun-filled workshop that improves team dynamics, team communication, understanding of team members, empathy and helps in team building

Self motivation: A module focusing in helping people developing initiative and to be self-driven rather than looking for external motivation

People Management skills: The art of people management: A two-day workshop for TLs and middle managers in understanding people and handling them better.

Email Etiquette: A module to understand and implement the dos and don’ts while writing an email.

Interviewing skills: Training recruiters, HR Executives & managers in conducting competency based interviewing skills.

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